“Omule : Hi Adi ! What are your current projects ? What is your dream project and where?”
“Adi : Hi . I am currently working on a bunch of projects like “Professional LinkedIn Profile Picture” , “Jungle Groove” and PavToys .
This year I bought a camera without thinking to use it at its full potential. I am very passionate ‘bout visual arts and photography is one of them. The idea of ‘Linked in’ project came one day when I was on the website and I noticed that most people have shabby profile pictures and I thought I would like to change that . Hence just for 10 dollars you may look like a Pro who gives a f**k ‘bout your CV.
Jungle Groove is an analog illustration project where random visual friends are drawn on a jungle, floral or tropical background.
Pav Toys - This May I met a wonderful woman, my girl, who gave me a new perspective about life and relationships. This is our baby project and it involves creating felt toys for adults and children. WHEN i say adults I don’t mean dildos .”
“Omule : Five things you can’t live without.”
“Adi :
1. Alladin’s lamp
2. The time machine
3. Camera
4. Phone
5. Credit card”
“Omule : What superpower would you like to have and why?”
“Adi : Shape shifter. I’m an explorer and I want to see how a shoe fells like, a potato or a cello played at the Opera.”
“Omule : PC or Mac? Pencil and paper or tablet? Photoshop or Illustrator?”
“Adi : PC because you can upgrade it and it renders faster.
PS and AI and some Premiere Pro and Lightroom.”
“Omule : What is the biggest enemy for your process and for your daily work?”
“Adi : Limited budget. It may be tricky to create something on a limited budget but also challenging. You may be stunned by what you can do with 10 dollars. For starters a LinkedIn profile picture.;)”
“Omule : Who is on your list for the most awesome dinner party ever ?”
“Adi : A priest, a rabbi, a gay men couple, vegans and meat eaters, and a handful of close friends to enjoy the meal with me. Oh yeah, and also Oprah!”
“Omule : Goods and bads in your industry.”
“Adi : The Pros of our generation are that we are tech oriented and pretty smart.
The Cons are that we are pretty lazy f**kers who expect everything instantly and this all day long victimization is pretty nasty. We complain a lot and we notice that we have to really work our ass out, pretty latte (yes coffee).”
“Omule : How do you see your exposition ?”
“Adi : This year in October or November I plan an exhibition for my Jungle Groove project with dancers and some Woodkid in the background. It will be spectacular!.”
“Omule : Tell me something about photography . I know you’ve just started with that .What gadgets do you use and what do you want to learn about in the near future?”
“Adi : I’m an amateur yet in this field but I like city scape and portrait photography. I own a Canon 70D which is my current working mule. I would like to learn food and product photography.”
“Omule : If u were a movie director and you had to pick three actors slash actresses for a movie about your work, what would your pick be?”
“Adi : I would like Wes Anderson to direct my movie and Chillian Murphy will probably be the main actor. Or maybe Hardy. Everyone likes Tom. Or, why not Jake Gyllenhall.”
“Omule : What is your weekly work schedule ? ”
“Adi : I have a 9 to 5 daily corporate routine. Friday and Saturday I teach children English. On Sundays I shoot and almost every day between 7.30 and 8.20 I edit the photos I take. ”
“Omule : How do you see your dream collaboration ?”
“Adi : I would like to work with people who create music, film and all types of art and also with a carpenter, blacksmith, architect, an engineer and a gardener.”
“Omule : What’s annoying for you in online?”
“Adi : The most annoying things are: pointless vlogs, make-up reviews and lack of perspective and vision in the Romanian visual industry.”
“Omule : Favorite places to visit and why ?”
“Adi :
Iceland - I like the cold.
Japan - I like their tech, life style and thrift shops.
Russia - I like their culture
Dubai - I like their vision about future.”
“Omule : If you had the power, what would you forbid ?”
“Adi : The toilet from Gara de Nord.”
“Omule : Thank you.”