“Omule : When did you start your journey and how?”
“Teodora : Well, I didn’t know much about contemporary jewelry until I stumbled upon the chance to make it one summer, about 3 years ago. My mom came up with an idea to participate as a family to this local fair in my hometown and each one of us did something artsy, I chose jewelry. So, my first pieces of jewelry were some 2D skin-like bone structure necklaces, it’s hard to explain but they looked really good to me. People were pleasently intrigued by them, so that’s when I knew that I want to create and start a jewelry bussiness. I was drawn to this area because it feels limitless,I get inspired every day, and I also want to share my ways in seeing jewelry with other people.”
“Omule : Favorite place to eat and drink your coffee ?”
“Teodora : My favourite place is Energiea.The food is great and I always had a good time there.”
“Omule : Which is the biggest enemy for your process ?”
“Teodora : I think it’s time, it goes way too fast for all the things I want to do.”
“Omule : Goods and bads in your industry.”
“Teodora : Contemporary jewelry it’s a new field now in Romania.I think the first contemporary
jewelry fairs took place 5 or 6 years ago, wich means that it is a fresh area and people are still getting used to other ways of seeing and wearing jewelry. It’s a good thing in one hand, to be a part of an art sector that is developing and changes people, on the other hand as an artist you may feel like things go a bit slow and you find it hard to present and sell your work in specialized places. Also in some cases people are struggling to understand contemporary jewelry, because it may look a lot different to what they are used to. Precious metals can be replaced by unconventional materials, the sizes and shapes, all help underline the concept , the story behind.It’s actually contemporary art , you may not like it or it can be everything to you.”
“Omule : Favorite jewelry artists.”
“Teodora : Favourite artists: Ute Decker has an unique beautiful line in jewelry, Daniella Saraya it’s also a lovely person I had the chance to meet her, Kim Buck , Nicole Schuster, Elin Flognman..are just a few”
“Omule : What inspires you the most?”
“Teodora : Mostly architecture, particular textures and materials, current feelings or states of mind, sometimes one’s character .”
“Omule : If you’ll have a collaboration with a big brand like Adidas or Nike and you’ll have to design and create accessories . What that will look like ?”
“Teodora : My jewelry for Nike would look definetly futuristic, bright colours, easy to wear.. I am thinking a lot about led jewelry, given the chance i think I would go in nanotechnology area.”
“Omule : What superpower would you like to have and why?”
“Teodora : I would love to Ctrl-Z in real life, one action at a time.”
“Omule : What do you think cats dream about?”
“Teodora : A world of empty boxes.Where they can fit in.”
“Omule : What is your biggest achievement so far ?”
“Teodora : My biggest achievement happend last year, the fact that I was selected to represent
Assamblage School of Contemporary Jewelry along with 9 other designers at Origin-Passion and Beliefs, in Milan, thanks to Assamblage team and Not Just a Label. It was a beautiful experience , I had the chance to meet wonderful people and designers and learn more in this domain.”
“Omule : Thank you girl.”