Doru Trascau
“Omule : Hi Doru, how was your day?”
“Doru : Pretty busy so far. We’re having a gig tonight and we had a soundcheck pretty early in the morning. Playing in the morning is really nice and is always giving us a proper boost.”
“Omule : What is it like to be a musician? Where do you get your inspiration from?”
“Doru : I guess being a musician is no different than being anything. Of course a musician will have different activities, when compared to an athlete for instance, but in the end, the passion that you put into your work might make the difference. As for the inspiration, I honestly do not know. I have a special relationship with my muse. I never ask her questions but fully enjoying the company whenever she’s visiting.”
“Omule : Can you tell me how everything started? It’s been a long road from AB4 to The Mono Jacks.”
“Doru : It started on a mountain trip, with a couple of high school colleagues that were playing guitar next to me. Their repertoire back then included Nirvana, R.E.M, Radiohead and such. It was enough to get me into it.
The Mono Jacks journey started when I realized there is no chance for AB4 to continue. That was quite some time ago and if I am to judge by numbers (years since we started and amount of gigs we played) The Mono Jacks is an older project now.”
“Omule : What is your ideal creative environment? How does your creative process looks like?”
“Doru : As a matter of fact I do have a routine. The only people I like to have around, if I’m writing, are my band mates. But, If I’m home, I like to be alone as I need a quiet space. I will ALWAYS have a guitar with me, my phone for recording new ideas, a notebook, a fountain pen and a bottle of red wine.”
“Omule : What do you like most about your work?”
“Doru : Songwriting is very exciting. It is quite fulfilling. No matter if I’m writing at home or if I’m together with the band, writing a new song always tickles the right nerves. You should see our faces whenever we get to compose something, we are all just smiles and giggles. And then, of course, there is a lot to enjoy at the live shows. There are evenings when the gig is going so well you could almost touch the vibrations created there.”
“Omule : Favorite places you love to perform at. How about music festivals?”
“Doru : Places where people engage. It is a blast to play for an audience that’s connecting to what we do. It means there are no more walls but more room for waltz.
Music festivals are always nice, plenty of people, party time. ”
“Omule : Motorcycles or guitars? ”
“Doru : I already have a small collection of guitars and I’m sure it is just the beginning. As for the motorcycles I could talk all day.”
“Omule : Do you have a favorite place to go on a holiday? ”
“Doru : I like Italy, a lot! So I would choose that as a favorite destination.”
“Omule : Tell me five things you can’t live without.”
“Doru : Love is the only thing I cannot live without. The rest of them are possessions. Now don’t get me wrong, It would be outrageous to be left without the music or without the motorcycles but I honestly believe that love is mandatory. ”
“Omule : Who is on the guest list for your ideal dinner party?”
“Doru : Hmm, I now realize I never envisioned such a dinner party. Call The National and tell them they are invited!”
“Omule : Do you have some favorite documentaries, movies, or podcasts?”
“Doru : The Usual Suspects, The Truman Show, Dogville, The Story of Stuff and the list could go on. I’m not a man of charts. :)”
“Omule : What superpower would you like to have and why? ”
“Doru : The power to make anyone love and be loved.”
“Omule : What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?”
“Doru : I remember one advice we got when AB4 was trying hard to export the music outside the boarders. The effort that we were putting in was by no means little but everything we were doing was happening here. The only way to reach the UK music scene, for instance, was to send our demos to music labels and radios.
Whell it’s actually very wrong. There are millions doing the same thing. Therefore you need yo put yourself out there, flesh and blood, and play, establish a fanbase. One day we met an English producer who told us “ Businesses in London are made in London! “”
“Omule : What would be a great achievement for you?”
“Doru : Anything that makes you happy should be an achievement. ”